Embrace You Are


Podcast Host, Holistic Wellness Architect & INSPIRErer of LIGHT

Jessica radiates magnetic feminine energy that is unmistakable. Speaking from the heart with no f*cks given, she addresses the core mother wound with passion and elegance. Jessica has a gift for finding unique and innovative wellness products that help empaths embody their highest selves.

Embrace Who You are

Holistic Tools for a More Vibrant Life

Embrace who you are represents tuning into your body and the cycles and rhythms of the earth that your body is connected to. And includes the cleanest, best, ingredients out there that have real results and cutting edge, unique technologies that can be life-changing.

The areas of focus on hormones, brain/mood, (gut/brain axis) technology + products. Sleep cycles and circadian rhythms, sugar balance in the body. Immune support for the body and inflammation.

By focusing on these areas to improve resilience and flow as part of living a more vibrant life and being able to weather the ebbs and flows that come and go.

The embrace who you are lifestyle brand nurtures new or tired mothers who have not yet acquired the tools needed to reclaim or find their vibrant life and feel their best more energetic selves.


"Thank you for your vulnerability! This is deep work, and I truly appreciate your bravery in stepping into the light with this global mother wound experience."

Apple Review.

"Loved listening to Jessica's soothing voice! It's so appropriately named and one where so many women and mommas will relate, reminding us all that we are the one we've been waiting for."
Apple Review.